Ubuntu 18.04 phpMyAdmin
Installation Process
LAMP Stack
The Linux Apache MySQL and PHP Stack, better known as LAMP, provides all the services for hosting a website using the programming language PHP. Depending on the system, MariaDB might substitute MySQL.
The simplest way to install LAMP is with the all-in-one package via 'tasksel'; if not already installed, run 'sudo apt install tasksel'.
- In a terminal type 'sudo tasksel' and press <Enter>;
- Navigate down to 'LAMP server' and press <Enter>;
- The 'Installing packages' process will download and install the packages for you;
- On Ubuntu 16.04 you will get prompted for a MySQL 'root' user password;
- On Ubuntu 18.04, once installation is complete, run 'sudo mysql_secure_installation' to specify a MySQL 'root' user password;
- Answer "Y";
- Select "1" for Medium or "2" for Strong as suits your security needs;
- Enter password and then re-enter to confirm;
- Answer "Y" to password strength (or otherwise specify a new password that matches the security requirements selected);
- Answer "Y" to remote anonymous user accounts;
- Select appropriate answer depending on whether you wish to connect to MySQL from an external connection or not;
- Select whether you want to remove the 'test' database or not;
- Answer "Y" to reload the privileges;
Visit [1] and right-click the latest version in '.tar.gz' format and select 'Copy Link Location' (or similar). For example, "phpMyAdmin-4.8.2-english.tar.gz" or other language choice to suit your needs.
- Open a new terminal and type 'mkdir myphpadmin';
- Type 'cd myphpadmin';
- Type 'wget ' and right-click and select 'Paste' (so, "wget https://files.phpmyadmin.net/phpMyAdmin/4.8.2/phpMyAdmin-4.8.2-english.tar.gz", as per your chosen download) and press <Enter>;
- Once downloaded, type 'tar zxvf phpMyAdmin-4.8.2-english.tar.gz'
- Once extracted, type 'sudo mv phpMyAdmin-4.8.2-english /var/www/html/'
- Very carefully execute the following command 'sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/';
- Type 'cd /var/www/html/';
- Type 'sudo mv phpMyAdmin-4.8.2-english phpMyAdmin' (or other name of your choosing, to be less obvious on a public website);
- Open a browser and navigate to your server's IP or DNS name: